Keeping Pace with Change
Our fundamental requirement is anticipating and tackling the new health and safety challenges, that come with social, economic, and technological change.

Group name: Keeping Pace with Change
The group consists of a range of professionals from different disciplines, who are committed to working together and supporting industry to improve occupational health and safety on a wide range of design and construction related areas.
The ability to horizon scan, means that anticipating new health and safety challenges is an area where Great Britain can play a leading role, by combining the resources of the HSE’s research capabilities and personnel, with the highly acclaimed, proportionate and practical application of our design and construction industry, together we can improve occupational health and safety as well as better business outcomes.
Tackling the problems of tomorrow today is a responsible investment that protects workers, enables new and different approaches, and provides the new knowledge, skills and expertise that can share internationally.
It is important to realise that to develop attitudes and skills with the use of technology necessitates the development of people skills and knowledge. Thus, preparing the industry and individuals in dealing with an increasing demand from new methods of working and the developing legislation that accompanies it.
Current Projects
Embedding CDM with the development of the following:
- CDM 20-20 Vision - Changing the Culture, published in April 2021
- Developing a suite of Design Risk Management documents which are open sourced in a format that are readily available to most in industry.
Draft documents which are intended for public viewing and/or comments, are available via the DIOHAS website. Please click here to access.
View AllContact
Paul Bussey, Group Chair
Email: pbussey@ahmm.co.ukGary Mees, Vice Chair
Email: gamees@gmat-technology.co.uk