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CONIAC and the Construction Leadership Council (CLC)

In March 2020, CONIAC ATSG agreed the committee should explore developing a formalised relationship with the CLC.

The reasons for this decision were:

  • CLC were clearly taking on a primary role in advancing the government’s agenda for the construction industry and to increase relevance CONIAC would need to ensure a strong working relationship with CLC
  • Wider changes were taking place in the industry, creating a new and challenging policy environment for CONIAC
  • It was recognised that CONIAC’s terms of reference, built around HSE’s Helping Great Britain Work Well initiative, were likely to be superseded. CONIAC would therefore need to be compatible with wider sector strategies for construction.

During the 2020 CONIAC reconstitution exercise it was agreed the committee was to remain an independent tripartite organisation with a formally defined relationship with the CLC.

A short time after discussions took place, CLC undertook a restructuring exercise such that CLC’s work became configured around four working groups intersecting with eight industry initiatives. Health, safety, and wellbeing became one of two “people” themed initiatives. CLC agreed that CONIAC is the lead delivery partner for this workstream. HSE’s Chief Inspector of Construction has joined the CLC’s coordinating task force and a CLC representative has been co-opted onto CONIAC to act as a conduit and to ensure CLC are represented at CONIAC meetings. CONIAC members were nominated to act as advisors for each of the other CLC workstreams and working groups. During the CONIAC reconstitution exercise in 2020, the terms of reference for the committee were revised and updated to include details of the relationship with CLC.

For more information see the CONIAC reconstitution 2020-2023 paper available in the resources section of this website or visit the CLC website at Construction Leadership Council

Details of the CLC’s health, safety and wellbeing workstream can be found at Health, Safety & Wellbeing » Construction Leadership Council