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for more information about membership.
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with details of the problem you’ve spotted.
Each working group has a chair. The chair and the members of the working group have the freedom and flexibility to arrange meetings as they see fit and in accordance with their own needs. Working groups can set up subgroups or task and finish groups with responsibility for specific topics or projects and these groups make their own arrangements to hold meetings.
CONIAN meetings are held twice each year. Since the covid pandemic, CONIAN meetings have been held virtually. Presentations from meetings are made available after the event. Dates for future CONIAN meetings, agendas, and details of how to join, will be published on this website.
CONIAC ATSG meetings are held four times each year. Meetings are usually held in March, June, September, and December. Since the covid pandemic, meetings have been held virtually. Action notes from meetings are published on this website.